Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baseball and The Coliseum

Compare and contrast the Coliseum in Rome to a baseball stadium. What functions do they both serve? How many people could the Coliseum hold, and how many people does the the largest baseball stadium in the United States hold? What activities were performed in the coliseum?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Architecture or Rome

It is said that the Romans were the one responsible for inventing concrete for building. They also become very good and intricate about their buildings as well as their designs. Taking a look around your own neighborhood is their any building or structure that resembles or mimics the Roman architecture? Write a brief description of something that resembles all or part of their architecture.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Roman Mythology

There are many Gods and Goddesses in Roman Mythology. Research some of these Gods and Goddesses and explain which God or Goddess was the most powerful in your opinion. Be specific in your explanations and give examples. After about a week we will get together and I will tally up which God or Goddess is the most powerful in the class's opinion. Remember power does not necessary mean strength.