Monday, September 21, 2009

Roman Mythology

There are many Gods and Goddesses in Roman Mythology. Research some of these Gods and Goddesses and explain which God or Goddess was the most powerful in your opinion. Be specific in your explanations and give examples. After about a week we will get together and I will tally up which God or Goddess is the most powerful in the class's opinion. Remember power does not necessary mean strength.


  1. In terms of the power of "love" I would have to say Athena, since she was so wanted by many. Or even Demeter, with the power to change the seasons. In Ancient Greece, everyone has their own special power in a way.

  2. What a great way to start a discussion on ancient Rome. I was fascinated with Roman/Greek mythology when I was younger and I find that my kids are now as well. Mythology is heavily intertwined with Roman history and religion. I always found it interesting how the cultures of Greek and Roman must have come from the same roots because of the similarities in their mythology.

  3. I would have to say "Zeus", after all, he was the King of the Gods.
